/a/bout me

who is the person behind lateralus on neocities?

some sad boy on the internet. my online alias is owen. or owain (hover for pronunciation), if that's what you want to call me...i do prefer owain more, though, but owen is fine. i am fifteen years old and i really like tool.

i made this site as a place to vent my frustrations and feelings. you see, i'm neurodivergent; i have professionally diagnosed asperger syndrome and i may or may not have an unspecified psychotic disorder, though that is pending evaluation and i don't wanna self diagnose.

my site url comes from tool's 2001 album lateralus. the reason behind this is that parabola (track 7) sounds like what mental illness is like for me. not sure how to describe it.

i am transgender (ftm), though that's not a big part of who i am. that's not what my personality is based on. in faaaaaaact, i don't know if i actually have a personality! wow! amazing! it's not amazing it's infuriating but i don't want to talk about that right now.

i like horror movies; some of my favourites are house of 1000 corpses, visitors from the galaxy, august underground, noroi: the curse and strange circus. aside from horror, i like gore (just looking at it, nothing more and nothing less), think rotten.com, some content on saidit, gurochan, bloodymess/gorechan, you name it. it doesn't go any futher than just me looking at it and i don't consume such media as often as i used to.

i also enjoy browsing several imageboards, such as 4chan, atenszon, endchan and 8kun. karachan sometimes too but not as often as the others, i'm not sure why.

if you happen to know who i am based on what i write on my site, keep that to yourself, don't talk to me about it, don't ask me about it, don't even think about it, just forget about it. don't let this change your perception of me. i'm just revealing more about myself, more than what you might already know about me if you know me personally. i intend to stay as anonymous as i can and i expect you to respect my intention to do so.